Gumboot Productions

about Gumboot

Gumboot Productions is a Canadian film and television production company located in Victoria, BC. Since 1991, the company has developed a strong reputation for story-telling excellence within the national and international broadcast and educational communities.

Owned and operated by award-winning documentary filmmaker and cinematographer Peter Campbell, Gumboot Productions develops and produces documentary and educational films, and actively participates in co-productions.

Gumboot Productions
1226 Camas Court, Victoria, BC, Canada V8X 4R1

selected features

Shore to Shore (2023)

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Shore to Shore is about the remarkable and little known story of Portuguese Joe Silvey and his life with the Coast Salish People, the Whalers, immigrants and pioneers who founded the the City of Vancouver.

The film tells the story through the process of the creation and installation of a monumental sculpture in Stanley Park, Vancouver, created by Ladysmith-based master-carver, Luke Marston.

Killer Whale & Crocodile (2007)

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In Killer Whale & Crocodile, carvers from two of the world’s great carving traditions come together. A First Nations carver from Canada travels into the jungles of Papua New Guinea and a New Guinea carver travels to urban Canada.

Finding Peter Bryce: Story of a National Crime (2018)

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A one hour documentary which uncovers the vision and compassion of a man who pioneered the public health and social policy movements in Canada, and, in 1907, blew the whistle on the abhorrent conditions in Indian Residential Schools.

Penelakut: Returning to the Healing Circle (2021)

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Twenty-five years after the production of the award-wining documentary “Kuper Island”, Gumboot, in collaboration with Gamut Productions, looks at the advances and challenges faced by this Island community.

Kuper Island: Return to the Healing Circle (1997)

watch the full documentary for FREE (above)

Former students of the Kuper Island Indian Residential School, whose minds, bodies and spirits bear the scars of systematic abuse, speak out in an effort to end the code of silence.

My Son the Pornographer (2008)

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Against the backdrop of the pornography industry in Prague, My Son the Pornographer tells the story about the stresses and strains that tear families apart, about values and ultimately about the love between a father and a son.

Cherry Kingsley: Recognizing the Person (2002)

watch the full documentary for FREE (above)

Cherry Kingsley takes us on a journey through her youth spent in prostitution and drug addiction, to receiving the Governor General’s award as an international spokesperson for the rights of children.

The Art of Compassion (1995)

watch the full documentary for FREE (above)

The Art of Compassion presents World War II prisoners of war who transform their painful experience into something else. Their moving stories resonate with themes of healing, appreciation for nature, and spiritual growth.

The Art of Peacemaking (2002)

watch the full documentary for FREE (above)

This documentary follows two artists who travel the world to collect weapons from all wars and domestic violence to weld into their gun sculpture. The prison-cell-sized sculpture was presented at the United Nations and became "weapons of mass instruction".

about Peter Campbell

President of Gumboot Productions, Peter Campbell has been a producer and director for 30 years. He has won many awards and citations and has produced, directed and shot films for the CBC, CTV, GLOBAL, VISION, BRAVO!, Knowledge Network and The National Film Board. His films have been shown internationally, and are currently screening in Australia, Brazil, Switzerland and Canada.

In 2005 Peter won a $1,000,0000 pitch contest and went on to produce the film noir feature Lies Like Truth (35mm, 97 minutes). Recent productions include My Son the Pornographer for CBC (Winner Best Director & Best Social-Political Documentary at BC’s Leo Awards) and Killer Whale and Crocodile for BRAVO! Television (runner-up, Best Arts Documentary at BC’s Leo Awards).

Peter has directed films in Africa (Speaking Out: Women of Uganda), Japan (The Art of Compassion), The Philippines (Fuga Island), Kenya (UNEP), Papua New Guinea (Killer Whale and Crocodile), Germany (The Art of Peacekeeping) and Haiti (Heart to Heart). He has also been on the jury for the Gemini Awards, Leo Awards, Yorkton Film Festival, AMPIA, VIFPA and the BC Arts Council; is a founding member of the Victoria Film Professionals Association and the Gulf Islands Film and Television School; and lectures at the University of Victoria and Camosun College. Peter also collaborated with the Sierra Club of Canada on the Youth in Media project. During time off, he kayaks, plays in a rock and roll band, enjoys photography and spends as much time as possible with his grandchildren.

Peter is available as a freelance cinematographer, director or producer and consults on developing film and television programs.

A brief profile of Peter is featured on the Rocketday Arts website.